The advanced search tab in Agent Air can help you find preferred flights. 
  • Click on Show Advanced on the search screen
  • Specify the time of day for the flights you are looking for and the airline
  • For connecting flights, you can even add the preferred connection airport in the box labeled "Via" or leave this blank

When the search results appear, you can filter the results further if necessary.  If you still do not find the combination of flights you are looking for, go ahead and place on hold any of the displayed options using the "credit card to be advised" button. Then send us a message with which flights to modify in your booking.  We will send you a message back when the flights are modified and will let you know the fare. The fare will not update on your side of Agent Air, but if your clients would like to confirm, you can click on Pay and Ticket in Agent Air and provide the payment information and the charges will be the fare that we have quoted you.
If you will not be confirming the reservation, please click on the cancel button in Agent Air to release the reservation. 
Let me know if you have any questions.